
ここは文鳥のひみつきち(ティッシュの中) 。

\ 購入履歴も見れる /

Smartphone rings, can badges, and stickers have been updated ^( 'Θ' )^✨

文鳥 愛鳥からかいぬしのコップの水を守る コップカバー 日々ぶんちょう 雑貨

Protect the dog cup! sparrow cup cover

Protects the dog's cup from damage caused by drinking/bathing/dropping droppings during release✨

Now you don't have to worry about drinking tea without noticing poop! lol

We have created a "free-standing sparrow cup cover" that can be placed upright except when releasing birds, and is a must-have for all dog lovers!

Click here for details